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Truly, thank you all so so so much, this is the *first* month in over a year where I haven't had to agonize over figuring out how I was going to be able pay my bills, and the effect that's already had on my general disposition is huge.

I'm incredibly grateful for your support, and I'm looking forward to drawing you folks lots of art to reward you with!



Aww. Np! You deserve it!


congrats 💞


<3 <3 you're amazing! i hope everything continues to go smoothly for you :D

Caelan Whitecolt

You're totally worth it. Your work as been an inspiration for me to try much, much harder with my own.


You totally deserve it!! I'm just glad we can all help each other out :)


Huge fan, glad I could help. :)


I really love your art so when I saw an opportunity to support you I didn't hesitate to join in . I'm a big fan of your upcoming game btw I just wish there was a chance to pre order it