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Hey everyone! Since Red has 3 free slots for new attacks we thought of asking you all on which of these you'd like to see next!

The picture has a very barebones explication but I'll elaborate on each of the ideas here:

Power Charge: You can charge and pushing enemies around the arena with you, this attack can be chained together similar to Blue's Turbothruster but unlike hers this one's much slower and deadly, the attack ends with an explosion that sends all enemies attached to you flying.

Nukefist: One of Red's deadliest weapons, you can charge it up to level 3 like most of his attacks which will make the rocket punch bigger, giving it more range as well as making it explode at the end.

Death Pill: This is a more technical move that allows you to hold enemies in a staggered state while you charge an attack or just as pure crown control. It's fairly weak and doesn't have a lot of range.

Pain Salad: Slams the enemy from side to side, the more you combo this move together the faster and stronger it'll get.

Feel free to vote for multiple moves if you like more than one!



Can't help but go with the pain salad while picturing the theme from Hajime no Ippo over it.


Pain Salad is totally unrelated to Hajime no Ippo, nothing in common, yup, seriously :^)