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Power is a character from the manga series Chainsaw Man. She is described as being childish, greedy, and almost entirely self-motivated. She tends to fight as if she has something to gain and is certain of her victory, and has no problems with running away from a fight where she is outmatched. She feels the need to boast her superiority over her fellow Devil Hunters due to her status as a Fiend. She has no loyalty to humans or Devils, openly admitting that she will join whichever is the winning side. Power also enjoys the thrill of a fight and enjoys showing off her strength and proving her own superiority. She is highly egoistical and often claims she is capable of doing things she cannot actually do, only to abandon them halfway through when the situation turns sour for her. She frequently deflects the consequences of her actions to those around her 1.

Power | God :3

21 years old - Power



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