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Update time!

Progress is slowly being made, here is what we got done this week along with some roughs from our crew!

Now I got some good news and some bad news;

Bad news first - I've been stolen to work on a rather prestigious show for a few months, I can't say what it is with the NDA but I do know it'll make you guys smile, so progress on Ep 3 will slow a bit.

Now the good news - As above, this job is gonna be paying very well, so once my work with them is finished I should get a heap of cash to throw at more animators to get ep 3 fully animated! It will take a bit longer to finish, mind you, but it'll be fully animated, so yay for that!

And the second good news; I've finally found a great site for T-Shirts! Got a sample shirt in the mail today and the quality is very good (see attachments). Getting hat samples from them next week and if those are just as good I'll be getting some shirts and hats together to help raise even more money for our animation crew. (maybe even start saving for ep 4 already???)

Until next Friday! Thanks again for your continued support!




Well if you gotta slow down this seems like a good reason to. When CAN you tell us what the show is?

Cherry Cheese

shirts, amazing desing 💕💕💕