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As freelance currently kicks my ass as I try to raise more money to hire more people to help out on the pilot, I thought it would be a fun idea to show you guys the original 69 pages of the original MW comic I started back in 2019 before I jumped in and decided to animate the thing mid 2020 instead.

You're gonna see Shrike & Beebs slightly older designs, as well as their ship, some new characters that are yet to appear as well as some story elements we have planned for eps 3&4 if we get that far.

Completely wordless as I wasn't too confident with it, but you should be able to get the jist of what's going on.

Now back to freelance to get the monies to hire more people!



Daniel Gervasio

And now we wait for the fan edits...


OOF, that cutoff right when the fight amps up and Shrike looks quizzically off-camera...! How rude, edging us like that. ;3


Darn, it ended before chunky could bust a move.