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Hey peeps!

A quick update since I haven't posted much this month;

-Pilot animation is currently at 80/336 completed shots. Hoping to have 100 by the end of the year

-Next Joel toon animation is 2 and a half /9 shots complete. That one should hopefully be done by Xmas.

-Currently have 2 tablet reviews to do as well as a big freelance gig for my boy Swoozie which'll give me a hefty boost to pilot funds for some more potential hires.

-Community discord is growing steadily. If you're a $5+ patron don't forget to join up. We have regular movie nights, game nights and just hang out and do private art streams

-Speaking of streams, we now stream very regularly over on Twitch ( https://www.twitch.tv/zeurel ) where you can come and see what horrors are coming to you guys in future.

Well I think that about covers it for now. I'll catch you on the next one!



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