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Sad news, everyone. My Pixiv account has been suspended. Hopefully, it's just temporary. I've already sent my appeal to Pixiv and am waiting for their decision.

In the meantime, I'm inviting you to follow my second account. Since Pixiv is my main platform (I don't upload to other social media sites, and Twitter engagement is kind of lackluster), increasing the engagement on my new account would help me greatly.

Second account: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/107418014


rei AIアート




The reason is unkown? Many AI creators Got ban on pixiv recently :/ For nothing

Creisede Username

They said it was because of a particular post but didn't specify which one. I think it was the Yumeko images since I got their suspension letter the same day I uploaded them. It might be because of my poor censorship of the images... but I still find it weird that it took a few days before the suspension happened.


The same reason as always. Sorry to say that but your appeal will not work. Its perm ban :/