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Hey squirts! Sorry that January got swallowed up by my day job. A big new project came through and I've been treading water to keep up. I'm back on solid ground now, though, so I hope to start streaming around once a week again for February! Thanks so much in the meantime for your patience, and I hope it's been a good start of the year for all of you!



puddles have u seen puss in boots


Please take all the time you need to get back to normal. There’s no rush 💙


No, but one time I did see piss in boots after a really bad leak, if that counts???


Thanks, bud! I don't know about "normal," but I'm excited to at least get back to drawing!!!


I think January has been busy for all of us haha! Take your time puddles


it's understandable puddles take as much time as needed crinklepup