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Thanks to everyone who came out and put in requests! This round turned into a ginormous plush cuddle buddy stream halfway through, which I think we can all agree is a big win.

These sketch request streams are a lot of fun, and they're good practice at getting faster, which is super helpful with comic stuff! I'd like to do at least one more of these streams this week, so if you missed out on yesterday's hijinks and you've got the perfect sketch idea to share with the class, hit us up at the next one!



Dunston the Lion

Oh my good lord that stroller sketch is delightful!


Oh my gosh! this was so much fun to watch, so many good pictures for this stream! Mega Sized Plush Stream!


OOHOOOOOOOOO goodness that top right one~ <3


I'd love to have that big bear plushie!


ohh the cute raccoon!