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Hi all!~

I've been working really hard to get this project done, and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm leaning more towards uploading this video in parts as there's still a lot to finish (the drawings this time around are pretty detailed...)

Just wanted to update you all so you know I'm still working and trying to get it to the best quality I can. These are color tests I did for some of the shots. Please look forward to it! I'll try my best too to respond to messages and help now.

I'm looking at a release in about a week, along with the Mei Mei video too for the tier 2 patrons, and the download link for the Marin video, all at once!

Thank you all again so much for your patience ;u;



Alien Gamer137

Looks amazing, would you consider doing sense in the future?


Looking forward to some Übel armpit fanservice 🙏


yeah! Ill likely take a break from frieren after this round of animations but will be open to do more in the future!!

Hi How are ya

this is my most anticipated project right now...cant wait