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One thing that I don't like of making the full body is the fricking feet, somehow it's harder than hands... fingers...

And most of the embedding that I try to use is not really effective like the hands/fingers one...

Let's say... this is just a sneak peek, I'll have to draw them feet manually, and fix some stuff too like her pupils? seems like not quite "Hinata" that much, hopefully can be released very very soon, I don't want to keep delaying things so I can focus to other stuff, like training LoRA...

Planned girls in this pack are Hinata, Sakura maybe Ino? and one other girl, I forgot her name, the one that's using a fishnet style outfit? the girl used to be Orochimaru's girl, then on Boruto she's quite fat... forgot her name lool 🤣

Tsunade too maybe? all of the girls will be on their shippuden version. don't get your hope too high, but please do let me know what you want in the comment! thanks~

Oh one more thing, remember when I said there's a chance of me being laid off from my work? somehow I start to hope it's real, so I can just focus to make LoRA... probably will be announced on my last contract day which is this end of December...

I'll be honest, your support funds so far is quite enough for me to do this independently, fulfil my needs, I'm still saving for RTX 3090 tho... and maybe with a little push from my free time, I can give you the best stuff for your bucks?

Thanks for reading it this far and as always, thank you for your continuous support! 🙇‍♂️




Sakura , hinata , ino 👍 I thing u where searching for temari . Tenten would be also a nice one . Looking forward to ur work 👌


You should definitely do Tsunade, you can never go wrong with her 😎 Sakura, Ino, and Temari would be nice to see, looking forward to seeing the complete pack!