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I loooove Avatar, so I really got excited for this. Honestly, Sokka is my fav actor. His facial expressions.. 😂 best.. they got him 💯 Thank you for the reactions!!


Sokka's casting was so perfect, he has the exact same face and his lines crack me up xD kinda worried about his character arc too ! Not fan of the changes so far. Toph and Zuko are my other two faves and...Zuko not sure yet. He does look like round head Zuko in season 1 and his fighting looks immaculate. I just need more ANGER from him, the acting lacks a bit of intensity sometimes. It was just the first episode tough so we shall see how it goes.I agree his scar should be uglier, his ear is supposed to be damaged as well and all. Here it looks like edgy eyeshadow xD Yeah Katara and Aang acting is a bit...off. I don't know if it's because the script itself is too cheesy or the directing is not good or what but yeah, feels a bit lifeless sometimes. Especially Grandma 😂😭 In a way the leather for the fire nation makes sense because when you think about it, metal heats up very quicky so wouldn't they cook inside their own armure ? Whereas leather is known to be fire resistant, that's why blacksmiths wear leather aprons and gloves etc. For the rest, I go into this as if I was watching the Ember Island rendition of the story, it's not going to be perfect but we can still have fun! At least the bending looks great 😂


Wanna start off by saying that I'm not here to pick a fight lol, just share my opinion on things. Okay so I watched the entire show and I honestly enjoyed it a lot. I'm a huge atla fan and I have been for years so I was really excited when I heard we would get a live action adaptation. However I think there has been far to much negativity towards this live adaptation. Because while I do agree that the script was a bit iffy at times and I missed certain scenes from the animated show I still thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s an "adaptation" which implies modifications so of course it’s not gonna be a cardboard copy of the animated show, because in that case just watch the animated show instead. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the best way to enjoy this show is to not compare it to the animated one too much and just enjoy it for what it is. I definitely miss the humor that the original has but at the same time this show literally deals with so much loss, mass murder and classism so I understand why they chose to get rid of some of the comedy. I think it also caters to a wider audience because of it and overall it’s a well made show that still has some lightheartedness when it's needed.