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Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1ff49lzEm0&t=337s&ab_channel=StrayKids




Oh my goodness I love your reaction soooooo much. Your analysis of their dynamic is so interesting and true so it's just great to see you realise what you have in common with any of the kids. If you're looking for more Chan and Han content you can react to 3 men in colourful pants just for some 3racha goodness. Oooh and I'm also a baby stay kinda discovering more 3racha songs and recently I discovered P.A.C.E and Heyday by 3racha so I'm interested in hearing your opinion on those songs. Thanks again for making my day with this reaction 😊

Tiana Morgan

Chan is literally their father lol seeing his kids happy makes him so happy. Proud dad. 🥹


Also you're right about Channie not being able you accept compliments. In the recent Chan's room alot of stays were saying that he looked hot during the 5-star trailer and they were just attacked by his presence. And do you know what he said 😭😭😭😭😭😭 He said he doesn't like looking at himself in the mirror and that he thinks he looks better when his face is half covered. When I say as a stay whose bias is Bang Chan my heart just dropped 😭😭😭😭😭.


So a bit about their family: Chan has 1 younger sister and 1 younger brother, Changbin has 1 older sister, Han has 1 older brother, Felix has 1 older sister and 1 younger sister, Seungmin has 1 older sister, IN has 1 older brother and 1 younger sister and Lee Know and Hyunjin both don't have siblings.


Chan has talked about how if he hadn’t found Stray Kids he doesn’t think he’d exist in the world anymore, so Han being the first person to join him in a way also makes Han the first person to have saved Chan. I wonder if this may be where some of Chan’s reliance and willingness to listen to Han comes from? Han really does have serious ADHD vibes, he’s never said and it’s not really our business, but I’ve always thought that too. The way he talks about his hyperfixations, his clumsiness, and how he’s very forgetful about things all just give ADHD energy. One thing I find particularly interesting about Chan and Han’s relationship, well, all the members really, is that when Chan isn’t up to leading the group Han will actually take over for him. This may stem from him being the first one to join? You can see this pretty clearly in the Puppy Interview they do with Buzzfeed where Chan is super distracted with puppies and Han leads/directs the conversation more between the members.


I.N has 1 older brother and 1 younger brother* 👀


Oh yeah sorry I made a mistake 😅 I must have been confused 😲


I'm the same as you when it comes to gaming, I'll fixate on a game so hard then drop it and not touch it again for like months or years (my current game is Ghost of Tsushima, I've been losing sleep over it this past week lol). And I have ADHD and have always found Han's personality to be relatable, not to armchair diagnose him but it's just cool to be able to relate to him. Also since you mentioned Han being a younger sibling, a fun video to check out would be "Stray Kids with their siblings" by Katya Strom. Han's brother isn't in there since Han is pretty private about his family, but you can see the Aussies and a few other members bantering with their siblings, it's funny and wholesome. Bang Chan and his younger sister Hannah are particularly hilarious

Terrena PS

Han was is first kid, and not only that but han agreed with his parents to be signed by a company or he’d have to go back to school because he dropped out. So Chan being trainee 7 yrs and Han having only a year to debut, they both started this whole group. Hans lyrical ability too, would have wowed Chan at the start. Hans been know to write songs in 15 minutes. So for Chan as a producer han gives coonstant content to work with. So yeah, those too found Changbin and 3racha was born. Han needed to debut or he was going to be going back to school so Chan and han saved each other at the start 💗

Terrena PS

To STAYS who’ve been STAYS at least a year, but more the older ones of us, we see Chan and Lee know as the parents. Chan is the dependable dad, always looking after his kids, making sure they ok, where Lee know is the mum, is harder, Firmer, more blunt, always keeping members guessing, but his care for each member when they having a tough time. Anxious in interviews or life(which han can be very nervous, his social anxiety has shown throw at times) Lee know is the one who nods over, grabs a knee, or arm or cuddles into a member. He also cooks for them, buys take out and feeds them. Makes sure food is in for members to eat. And if any member takes themself off, has a alone day or just not feeling a good vibe, Lee know is the first one to check in on that person. He doesn’t like any member being alone and feeling sad. He’ll change his plans to suit a member having a more low day. But he’s also majorly hype up by Han, so if han is having a giddy moment, then Lee know is on a major giddy high. That often only han can bring him down. Chan has had to hold Lee know still in interviews because han got him hyped up and Lee know went OTT. It’s like watching a dad help a mum home from a girls night out where she’s drunk too many Proseccos and needs to go chill and lay down. But yeah Chan and Leeknow are Defo mum and dad of the crazy kids. For sure 🤣

Terrena PS

I was about to write, but you said it yourself. As a 38 yr old ADHDer, I’d be so un surprised if Han came out as having ADHD. He shows every classic sign….. so Trolltek if you feel Han is you bro…. May be worth getting b buzz checked or or too lol. Leaving an assignment til the last few hours before it’s due, Isla classic sign. Plus everything you’ve said about you. Lol. But without any doubt in my mind, Han has ADHD. 🤣. It’s why he’s superhuman with his level of natural talent. And why he spits songs out left right and centre. Between 3 racha. And what’s actually on Chans laptop we have enough songs to la#st 20 yrs I bet, easy. The new album has songs in they wrote just after debut so we have so much more to see from them.