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I’m from Iran and I can’t handle spicy food at all. Tbh alot of iranian food isn’t spicy at all

Gabrielle Carroll

When you said I.N shot up in height, it reminded me of when they were at the airport yesterday, Chan was behind I.N in line and he was at his shoulder! He's only like 2 inches taller than Chan, why does he look so tall all of a sudden?!


The ending probably refers to 3racha talking about the production of Stray Kids' next album, and it is said that they will release their next album on July 19. It is likely that a trailer for the album will be released next week and they will already talking about that in the skz code So yes, that is most likely although I would also be crying of happiness if it were a 3racha album.


loved this reaction~ thanks for that! I wanted to watch the episodes for days but always failed somehow, so I just watched your reaction straight away xD honestly watching them trying to figure out the liars and fake tteokbokki etc was so fun, Hyunjin and Innie are always kinda clueless (so it's even more cute how Felix is always their biggest fan as if they were Albert Einsteins lmao they're adorable), but Seungmin's competitiveness jumping out at the Guess The Item game is always fun to watch xD he is a Virgo after all lmao. Channie had So Much tired dad energy this episode, the tired dad cop that's stuck at his desk doing paperwork with a big sigh and judgy side-eye towards his younger colleagues xD love to see it, he's never beating the dad allegations

BK (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-11 07:02:12 How you seeing that I.N is the second tallest they're standing in different level but Seungmin still looks taller where you stopped. Hyunjin 179cm, Seungmin 178cm, I.N 172 cm. I.N is the third tallest. And why can't you see Seungmin's baseball first pitch before you talk about Seungmin's athletic state. His flexibility and strength isn't like what you're thinking. I.N, Han is strong and athletic but let's be real Seungmin is much more athletic than I.N, Han.
2024-06-10 02:20:54


calm down its not that big of a deal lol


I'm just saying every physical activity game he be like Seungmin is the least athletic have lower stamina when he isn't it's annoying soooo annoying


so stop...watching?... if its so annoying?.. everyone has different opinions and he isn't saying it with any malice. please do calm down.


plus he was literally praising seungmin saying he was gonna do good.. its genuinely not that deep....


Praising? least athletic it's praising for sure. If you hear it so many times it makes you angry okay. I paid my money I will watch it if I don't like it I will say it. I didn't said anything false it's true that Seungmin is the second tallest, it's true that Seungmin is ATHLETIC. He is the one who talks so many things without facts.


lmao that reminds me of I.N saying he was talking to his family on call or smth and they saw his OOTD post and asked, "Are you wearing weird/ugly shoes again?" XDDD


but why are you so mad about it?? he never says anything with malice and just because he said inne was tall doesnt mean he was speaking bad on anyone else..😭 he clearly said in the beginning he knows seungmin was gonna do good.... like. you say its so so annoying and if thats the case then genuinely saying dont consume this content from this reactor anymore.