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Lilian B.

What are you talking about, sweet potato is amazing! Especially roasted because the sugars in it become caramelized, and also in soup. You just have to make sure not to get an old, fibrous one.

Betty Eder

so i noticed in the last few episodes, that you keep wondering when the episode came out. because you only see '8 months ago' or 'one year ago' so i wanted to tell you that if you click on 'more' in the description, you get the exact upload date.... for a while i thought i wopuldnt even address it because its probably not that important to you bit you do spend a good minute or two wondering and calculating when the episode might have been uploaded sometimes haha so i wanted to let you know that the question could be answered with a click ;)


I love my potato children equally, even the sweet one, so: you're wrong <3 disrespectfully, with a smug grin these law cases had me in tears pffff I was cackling loudly at midnight xD