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I loved these episodes so damn much


- Kaia

p.s. I unfortunately wasn't able to get to IOTNBO or Demon Slayer today as I had to catch up on some other things but they'll both be back next week :)


Avatar The Last Airbender S01 Eps.11&12

Vidyard video



About the hairstyle 😊 I've not read this novel myself, but in a video I saw on YouTube about cultural references in ATLA they mentioned an explanation that were presented in a released novel "the rise of kyoshi." I found this quote from an article about the explanaition: "It was then explained that if the loser of an Agni Kai is spared, they have to shave every part of their head except for the topknot. This gesture is similar to other cultures in that it is a sign of shame for one's humiliating defeat."


I’m so glad you started watching this, it’s the ones I look forward to the most, even though I subscribed because of kpop 😂 the writing and character development in this show is just so good