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Hey guys!

Hope you're doing good! Really happy to see so many of you have already made your way over from the old page, thanks for continuing the support - it's much appreciated!

Just wanted to let you all know that I've spent today and will spend tomorrow (maybe the weekend too) focusing on pre-filming content. I wasn't able to do as much as I'd planned while I was off (setting up this page was hella time-consuming) and I've barely been able to film at all so far this week so I wanted to take a couple days to get ahead and sorted.

So far I've been really enjoying pre-filming content where I can and it makes things so much less stressful so I think if I can kick-start it properly we'll be in for a smooth and easy ride moving forward. 

This won't effect the monthly schedule in any way so you can still expect the same content this month, it'll just be a little quiet here for a couple days while I get some content in the bank. Still hoping to have requests up over the weekend though as I don't want to get anymore behind on them :)

Anyway, that's all for now, see you soon!

- Kaia


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