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- Kaia



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Just a note on the vegetables discussion, but neither fruits nor veggies are actually necessary for a nutritionally complete diet. We know this ethnographically since there have been plenty of native cultures in the past who thrived on majority-meat diets, e.g. the Inuit, who (living in the Arctic) couldn't eat veggies even if they wanted to, and only had access to tiny quantities of berries a few months out of the year at best. (The American explorer and researcher Vilhjalmur Stefansson wrote a few books about his experience on such a diet with the Inuit.) Other similar peoples included many Native American tribes, or the ancient Mongolians and other steppe nomads. I'll mention vitamin C and scurvy since it's the first thing people think of when it comes to critical nutrients usually found in fruits and veggies--vitamin C actually shares the same GLUT transporters as glucose, which in plain English means that people who eat carbohydrates have a higher vit C requirement, because the carbs they eat (broken down to glucose) compete with vit C in the body. Scurvy is mostly known to affect sailors, because much of their rations consisted of dried biscuits which were all high-carb bread products and such. Low-carb populations (such as the Inuit, etc.) have never been known to suffer from scurvy. Anyway, nutrition is a bit of a hobby of mine so apologies for the long tangent! Back to NMIXX, Jiwoo hates vegetables but she probably still eats fruit, and most modern processed carb foods (like bread and ramen) are fortified with extra nutrients (unlike sailors' biscuit rations back in the day), so that's probably why she's doing fine even with zero lettuce consumption. =D