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- Kaia


Twenty Five Twenty One Ep.16

Vidyard video



Yeah two days later and I just can't shake the ending of this show... no spoilers here but everything about how it was written, in particular "those" scenes at the tunnel, I feel like its so overwhelmingly poignant that it feels like a knife twisting in my heart. I saw someone on reddit used a japanese phrase to describe the feeling that the tunnel scene conveyed --- "mono no aware", talking about the transience of life. It helps to explain this idea displayed with these characters and that dialogue, that of an adult character returning to the physical scene of a memory they want to change from their youth, to say things they would have wished they had said before, that idea and the way it was executed here kinda shattered part of me to be honest. I really can't remember the last time a show left such a deep imprint on me like this, and no one I know has watched this so I don't have anyone to discuss this with in person either. Actually that's why I want to say thanks to Kaia --- you were crying at the same things I was crying at, and it made me feel like at least someone got what I was going through, even though we were watching at different times obviously. Thanks for that, I also appreciated your thoughts after the episode was over, they made me think. Agh... going to go try to cheer up now.


I just finished the final episode today and can only echo what TMP says above. Both the drama and being able to watch it with Kaia was a wonderful journey.


im 19 and i just ended this reaction, and your final message really touched me, im gonna try to hold onto those moments, thank you.