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Ranking/mvps for each stage:

1. Glow Up

Honestly, strong strong contender for my favorite stage of the show so far. Idk what it was about it but the energy and the vibes were right and the girls were eating the choreo up

MVP: Okay this might be a surprise bc I'm not gonna say Hwiseo lmao (tho she did amazing as always and she came real close) BUT for me it's actually a toss up between Jooe and Elly. Elly because she really went in on the stunt and that took a lot of trust and guts to do and do well. Jooe because when I was watching the full cam she kept grabbing my attention in such a big way. The way she was hitting this choreo and this beat? Unreal. It's a shame we're really not getting to hear much from her in the show (thanks mnet) bc she's just been working her ass off in these performances and deserves so much hype for it

2. Web

I 1000% thought this would be my favorite going in based on the preview and it was close but Glow Up just had that extra flavor y'know? I'm so glad they were able to overcome the struggle and deliver such a powerful performance. My gay ass was a quaking

MVP: Yeoreum. This isn't even bias at this point like she's just a fucking incredible dancer lmao. Shout out to Riina wrecking my shit every time she appeared on screen in this fit tho

3. Overwater

The VIBES. That's all. The vibes were simply immaculate. The song, choreo, concept and members' individual performances worked beautifully together and for the "least impactful" of the bunch it kept me captivated. Like I don't wanna look away. It's stunning

MVP: Another tie for me but each are for very different reasons. First, Soojin. Obviously her flexibility and overall dance quality were on full display and I'm so proud of her for really getting that shining moment. It suited her so well and it's every thing she deserves and more. Second, Dohwa. While she was obviously incredible in the performance, Dohwa is honestly just one of my MVPs for the whole damn show bc of her attitude, her ability to rally the other members and just be a really freaking good leader to them. Fye tearing up after thanking her for her help is all the proof any of us need to know that Dohwa is these girls' rock and pillar right now and words cannot describe how desperately I want her in this line up. Lord knows if she has the popularity but she sure as hell has the talent and the mindset for it

4. Bad Blood

Okay so... as I said in the reaction a bunch, this was still a phenomenal performance. Even with the mistakes, the energy and power they gave (especially after the mistakes like Suyun's eyes had literal fire in them wtf) was unreal and I was very impressed with how the handled the mistakes for the most part.

That being said, I actually think that even if it had gone perfectly, it probably would have still been at the bottom of my list. Not because it isn't amazing but rather because, for me at least, it's the most "obvious" of the four. What I mean by that is that the other three performances had moments in them that really wowed me. Whether it was a stunt or a certain members performance or even just the concept/choreo itself, each of them had something that made me think "damn I couldn't have predicted that". However with this one, I kind of felt like "yeah this is sort of what I would expect from these members with this kind of song and choreo". Not that there's anything wrong with that of course and I absolutely still think they did a great job, but when I compare it to the other three, regardless of the mistakes, it just didn't have that ~special something~ for me personally.

MVP: Honestly this was probably the hardest to settle on mvps for but I think overall I gotta give it to Sangah and Wooyeon. They've both been putting in WORK this whole show and proving what powerhouse performers they are and I love that for them. I would like to give a special shout out to Suyun for getting possessed by some kind of dance demon after the split issue bc jfc I ascended

Anyway, those are my thoughts for now (not my ranking being opposite performance order). Will be very interesting to see how the points end up and what the interim rankings are looking like next week. Let me know your thoughts/rankings too!


Queendom Puzzle Ep.06

Vidyard video


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