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- Kaia

My personal ranking/thoughts + stage MVP:

*reminder this is just based on what I enjoyed more, I'm not gonna sit here and judge their talents bc they're all amazing in different ways y'know*

Round 1

  • Win: Rush Hour
  • I still have the same amount of conflicted thoughts about this round as I mentioned in the reaction. I think both stages had very different things about them that I loved but what cinched it for me was the fact that I was more excited to rewatch the Rush Hour stage than Weekend. I think both were excellent in their own ways though
  • Rush Hour MVP: Yuki & Yeoreum. I cannot choose between them but they both really sold the vibes for me the best out of everyone
  • Weekend MVP: idk what it is about her but... Seoyeon. Her charm just gets me man idk what to tell you

Round 2

  • Win: Hopeless Romantic
  • Listen going into this I fully expected Bora & Kei's stage to be The One. And like... it was. It was perfect, powerful, beautiful etc and their voices work immaculately together. But that sentimental, sad feeling from the Hopeless Romantic stage is *still* lingering with me and I think it's gonna stay with me for a long time so I gotta give it to them here. Watch me change my mind tomorrow lmao
  • Hopeless Romantic MVP: Juri. Her vocal tone got me so many kinds of fucked up idk what to do with myself at this point
  • If We Ever Meet Again MVP: literally both of them. That stage works *because* it's specifically the two of them. Bora's power with Kei's tone is the exact recipe that makes this stage perfect. It doesn't work without one or the other so.. both

Round 3

  • Win: Time Of Our Life
  • This is the hardest one by far. I think in any other match up the Wannabe stage would win hands down but Time Of Our Life is a song that has too much personal meaning for me so it was always gonna have an advantage regardless of who was performing it. That plus the fact that the members were singing their hearts out and actually looked like they were the time of their lives it just.. again, lingered. That being said though, Wannabe was PHENOMENAL. My top 2 stages of the round so far easily. The way the girls used the stage and mixed the song was unreal and just overall it had an incredible amount of impact
  • Time Of Our Life MVP: this one's actually a three way tie for me bc biases lmao. Elly, Soeun & Hwiseo. Everyone did amazingly but I'm a biased piece of shit and these three gave me everything and more
  • Wannabe MVP: I think it's gotta be Sangah for me here. Jihan is absolutely right there, she killed her opening and was great the whole stage but if she was the alley oop, Sangah was the dunk for me

This round is seriously tough though. Everyone's working so hard and giving their all and truly I kinda wish we could be done with the competition aspect and just have a good time lmao. But that being said, competition wise, I do completely get why the audience has voted how they have thus far and I think in terms of impact and overall impressiveness of the stages, I don't think I could disagree with the results so far even if my personal faves differ. It's just a really tight race and I hope all of the girls are so utterly proud of themselves because they really should be.


Queendom Puzzle Ep.05

Vidyard video


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