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It's now the next day and I'm still SO tired lmao. This was perhaps one of the biggest emotional rollercoasters I've experienced with a survival show. I think I somewhat prefer it when my initial 1-picks either got eliminated or were just clearly not gonna debut, it's so much easier lmao.

More thoughts below but for now:


Okay so now that I've had more time to process, I definitely stand by what I said toward the end. It does make sense to me why the chose who they chose and I think given the image they seem to be going for with this group, this is a basically perfect lineup. I'm utterly thrilled that Jungeun not only debuted but that she placed 1st by such a huge margin. You wouldn't think we'd spent these past few weeks in the trenches, terrified that her supposedly weak Korean 1-pick would let her down. Like what do you mean she cleared Jeemin's already massive vote result by 230k? Make it make sense. And as I was saying in the beginning, every girl in this final (in part 2 tbh) earned a spot in the lineup imo so I am genuinely so happy for everyone and beyond excited to see what they all can acheive as a group.

But I can't deny that my heart is broken for Fuko. I don't think it would have felt as bad if they hadn't done exactly the same thing to her that they did with Yui, basically getting her hopes up every time only to crush them again. But yeah. It hurts to think about her having trained for 7 years and her being such a source of support for the others and still not debuting. Like yeah I understand why and ultimately I'm actually not surprised, but it doesn't make it hurt any less y'know? Still, I have faith that she'll come back to us soon. I wouldn't be surprised if she already had a couple companies calling tbh so I'll be patiently waiting for idol Fuko to find her way to us.

In the mean time it's utterly disgusting to me how many supposed Fuko fans are shitting on Sarang and Mai in particular. First, it's not their fault. They've worked just as hard and gone through the same trials Fuko did. They earned their spot fair and square regardless of whether you personally are a fan of theirs. Second, I've lost count of how many comments and stuff I've seen of people saying "I'm so sad about Fuko, I regret not voting for her now" and like... what do I say to that except yikes. Finally, third, do you think Fuko would be happy people are bringing down other contestants bc of her? Absolutely fucking not. As a Fuko 1-pick, these people seriously need to grow tf up and move on, you're doing no one any favors, least of all Fuko.

Anyway, quite the finale for sure. I am genuinely very very happy with this lineup and so excited for the group, I just need to stop seeing sad Fuko edits on tiktok and I'll be good lmao.

The performances were all amazing and I'm very proud of everyone. This has been one hell of a journey and while there have been some dark spots, I've ultimately really enjoyed it.

I'm gonna take a small break from survival stuff for a bit but we'll get back to Youth With You 2 soon which will be significantly more chill.

Let me know your thoughts but as always keep it civil please!



p.s. let's discuss how dominant triple J were in the votes to the point where spots 4-8 were SCRAPPING for position. There was only a 30,000 point difference between Koko and Fuko. Across 5 positions, just 30,000 votes. That's crazy. Triple J cleared and I'm so excited for them




i have never been this heartbroken over a survival show. i honestly don’t know if i’ll be able to fully enjoy the group’s content, though i wish all the best for them. and im so so proud of jungeun especially.


As a Fuko 1-pick I was very sad that she didn't make it but I got like 5 of my top picks in there so yeah. And honestly all the girls were amazing and deserving of a spot in the final lineup so I'm super excited for all the girls who made it and can't wait to see what the group will bring! Also looking forward to ywy2 as I haven't watched it since it aired!