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No but in all seriousness I don't have a huge amount to say that I didn't already say in the reaction. I have such a soft spot for every single one of these girls and would love nothing more than to see all of them debut. Alas I doubt mnet will be that kind so I'm just gonna pray that Jungeun's votes stay solid and Fuko's 2614 days don't have to go on too much longer and that everyone else, regardless of what happens next week, gets to see their dream come true one way or another.

(Also sidenote, the way the top 6 in votes is THE top 6 for me........ pls i beg)

Anyway... this is gonna be a long ass week.





Gabriel Guerra

i am hoping Gyuri pulls a Sunoo, she is very powerful and stable when it comes to her vocal ability


Rewatching this with your reaction as I impatiently wait for the final episode! I'm so sad that Sujung and Juwon were eliminated but I had also prepared myself for it because I knew it was most likely going to be them. I'm so proud of both of them, they did great! I loved Sujung's speech too, she really went down the whole list of girls and didnt care one bit how long her speech was. It was amazing and so sweet! Overall, it was a good episode. I will always have my complaints about how MNET has their favorites and I certainly didnt like them trying to make Gyuri look bad for fighting for a bigger part. She did nothing wrong and if one of MNET's favs did that they would get a favorable edit praising them for doing everything they can to make the group. It's dumb, but that's the show unfortunately. Lastly, my top 6 going into the finale is Mai, Saebi, Fuko, Koko, Gyuri, and Jiyoon. I guess we'll see how they voting goes and how many, if any, picks are made by the producers. I don't feel super confident for Mai and Gyuri, but I'm hoping the other four make it at least.