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I've gotten quite attached to this group of girls at this point. I'm ready for the competition to be over but not ready to say goodbye to any of them lmao what do you mean 2 episodes left?


No major extra thoughts today at least not rn. I really wish they'd tell us how much of the final line-up is gonna be voter based and how much will be pd picks bc not knowing is STRESS but y'know, mnet gonna mnet

Anyway, lemme know your thoughts and vibes.






I think this has been the show where I have been the most attached to contestants. Usually, I'll have 1-3 tops but this time I have like 4-5.. I am absolutely in love with KOKO, and so happy she is getting the attention she deserves that girl is a born performer, she kinda reminds me of Lisa a little. Dancers are just different lol Jungeun.... Like WHAT THE F... is going on I am at a loss of words. I can understand her not being top but this is a bit much, it makes it seem like they are sabotaging her on purpose. I do agree with you that I hope this stupid drama that has FINALLY been resolved by her and Jiyoon (her best friend since like episode 1) will ger her some more votes. Koko, Jeemin and Jiyoo are definitely locked in. Until this episode, I was pretty sure Seabi was too but now I'm not so sure. Jengeun, in my opinion, has to debut (I cannot fantom anyone in the industry not wanting her in a group) but I am biased she has been my number 1 since the first episode/performance videos. So that leaves 1 more.. Fuko would in my opinion be the perfect leader and the last puzzle piece but I have been a fan of Mai (don't think she is strong enough for the final lineup) and Sarang is loved by the producers so it could be her as well. So if I go by my lineup these r the roles I'm imagining: 1. Fuko - leader/lead vocal 2. Jiyoon - main vocal 3. Jungeun - main vocal/lead dancer 4. Koko - main dancer/rap 5. Seabi - visual 6. Jeemin - center/lead vocal


My only hope for Jungeun is that Korean comments about her are people asking why she was scored low, I'm hoping they panic and vote for her, because their vote is weighed the most 🥲 I'm kinda surprised how obvious some of the favoritism is? I can basically already predict who the two eliminated people will be in the semi finale.... But since I like all the girls, no matter who makes it I'll be both happy and sad.