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Oh I totally forgot: the thing I was gonna say with regards to Jeemin is that the reason they're putting so much focus and emphasis on her and her situation, is because they really want you to vote for her. They know she's super popular (and seemingly want her in the final group) and can potentially pull in a ton of votes and interest, so while it obviously sucks to see her so upset, so long as everyone who has been supporting her thus far continues to do so and votes, she'll be fine. Regardless tho, these next couple weeks are gonna go by at a snails pace I fear...


And this time I'm just giving my top 6 because at this point it's way too difficult for me to choose between the other like 8 people that I love to make a top 7 or even top 9:




ps. Fuko, a lyricist, I weep




I'm trying to not let the negative parts of this show bother me too much but this episode really frustrated me. The judges have been by far my least favorite thing about this show. They are often cruel with their criticisms and rarely give advice to help the girls out. Their treatment of Sujung in particular has really been tough to watch. It really feels like their goal is just break these girls down no matter what. To see them do this relentlessly to one of the most professional and confident girls in Sujung is heartbreaking. It wasnt until she cried that they finally comforted and praised her. It's terrible. I am also frustrated by how they made the Ground group feel like an afterthought in this episode. It really feels like none of those girls have a chance to make the final group, MNET just doesnt care about them. So while I enjoyed watching the girls practice and them performing IWALY, this episode was really depressing for me. I am so attached to these girls so I want to see the show through, but MNET sure isnt making it easy.


I totally get what you mean but something that I try to keep in mind that helps is that this is very normal for an mnet survival show. Not the criticism in itself but the way its framed and shown. They purposefully show us what they want to try and make people feel certain ways about different contestants. Whether that's making them root for them or doubting them or whatever. It's their way of "rigging" the contestants they want into the group without actually rigging. It also encourages people to vote, which given that thats through their app I imagine it pulls in money. Now of course, none of this is necessarily okay or good BUT it's worth remembering that mnet is only showing us what they want to show us, only a very small percentage of the time that goes into preparing these performances, and likely only a small amount of the feedback the girls are given. Whatever best suits the narrative they wanna sell, they're gonna show. Everything else gets edited out. Again not necessarily the nicest thing bc it means a lot of frustrating moments as a viewer but remembering that there are probably a lot of good moments we don't see happening too helps me deal with it (maybe it's me being delulu but idc lmao)


I've been voting Sujung, Jeemin, Yuju, Yui, Gyuri and Juwon! I don't have an ideal line-up per-say, but my top 7 is (in no particular order) Jungeun, Fuko, Sarang, Sujung, Jeemin, Yuju and Saebi! But Mai is like right up there with them as well, and Ling Ling impressed the hell out of me in this last episode! Although I love her voice, I still go back and forth when it comes to Jiyoon. I'm not sure why :/ I completely agree that in a few years people like Jiwon and Gyuri will be absolute forces!! And I'm also super worried about Jungeun's chances, you just never know :(