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Okay at this point I'm considering Fuko and Jiyoon as a chance at redemption for not getting Xiaoting and Yurina


As per, here's my top 7 post ep.5:


And as I mentioned, here is a VERY loose prediction for a final lineup for funsies. Note: the first 7 are the main prediction (in no particular order), the others are ones that I feel could make that lineup if things go their way vis-a-vis screen time, edits & voter popularity (this is obviously all based on the assumption that it's a 7 member group):


Let me know your thoughts as always!




Kuro Kurt

its my birthday today so

Kuro Kurt

thx for droping 4 eps ?


I'll go back in a bit to watch and comment again, but I thought you might wanna know that the i-land tag for this episode is different from the others (and episode 1 too? I couldn't see it when I tapped i-land2). ^^


the mnet drama between jiyoon and jungeun is definitely not as deep because after these episodes they had a break between part 1 and part 2 of the show where they had a press moment and their photos got taken and they literally walked out holding hands and smiling so i need mnet to wrap this non-existent feud up 😭


Rooting for Mai is so, soooo easy because she does her best no matter the circumstance and she's just the kindest. Such a good unnie to the other trainees too. 🥹 Ngl, I related to Juwon so much in her reactions to the iland creative team. The Whistle team pretty much just went to Ground then took Jiyoon back with them to iland. 🥹 I think Um Jiwon is really skilled, it's just that there's way too many skilled trainees up there already. And I feel really bad 'cause Gyuri got sick once, went to Ground for it and hasn't come back up yet despite always doing really well in the perfs. I hate how mnet is pitting jungeun and jiyoon against each other. They might have felt awkward w/ each other at some point, but mnet's just blowing it out of proportion. Then again, mnet will always mnet things. 😩 I hope we at least get 9 people in the debut team 'cause there's way too many great trainees and very few spots. We basically have the same top 5. And I have like 7 people fighting for the last two spots 🥹


okay this is almost certainly just me being a sujung stan but imo the judges were WAY harsher on sujung than they had any right to be. like to me the ground creative team's choreo was clearly the more innovative and interesting one, and it feels unfair that sujung was judged harsher than the i-land choreographers just because she has prior experience? idk i understand her getting that criticism verbally, but the fact that after choreographing a really interesting and cool performance, according to the wikipedia page sujung got a lower individual score than half of the i-land creative team (and has the joint lowest score of the contestants currently in i-land) just doesn't sit right with me. idk maybe i'm on my own here i just think my girl deserved more recognition for the work she put in :/


Nah I totally get that. The wording and what they criticised was a bit ???? to me bc yeah choreography-wise it was superior but you have to remember it wasn't a choreography unit, it was a creative unit (which can be interpreted in many different ways) and mnet really tried to drive that home by piling criticism onto sujung. Not saying it's right to do that by any means but it's just worth remembering that mnet will edit the feedback to suit whatever narrative they wanna portray so while some of the criticism may seem harsh or worded weirdly or something, just remember that it *could* be a matter of editing and things taken out of their original context yknow?


im with you on fuko and jungeun, they're such a pleasure to watch perform!! so talented


MAI MAI MAI!! I think this episode solidified my opinion on her. She has very strong leadership qualities. In an industry that can be so mentally exhausting and challenging people like her are important in a group. The creative unit battle as a prime example of that. Excited for next episode and curious what position they're all gonna go for. Like Mai for example I would assume she is stronger at dancing but I don't know if she would go for main dancer? Or Jeemin is she gona go for vocal or dance? We all know Jungeun and Jiyoon are about to go head-to-head on vocal and I would assume Koko, Juwon and Sujung are all gonna go for main dancer but everyone else i am curious to see. Also side note.. Jungeun's Fine performance deserved higher than a 89 or 88 whatever she got.. that's a hard song (her high note at the end none of the other girls could have done that) her and Fuko killed it wtf... she should have got a 92 or 93, I agree that Fuko did better than her overall but she should have got a similar score to her.. As for Mai getting the highest score YESSSS! Well deserved.


I was not expecting the Land performance of Rain On Me to make me so emotional, but it was just so full of heart, and the determination in Mai in particular really got to me. I'm super torn on who my #1 ranking is now. Sujung and Mai are basically tied for me now, which is exciting because I've never had a survival show where I had multiple girls that could be my #1 before, I'm usually set on who is my favorite is pretty quickly into the first few episodes.

Rafał Popławski

Unpopular opinion, but i think that Yui is one of the best (if not the best) participant in I-Land 2 (My top 1). I watched her fancams from both whistle and dance unit and man, whoa so clean movements and stage present. I think she doesn't have much airtime because she is not fluent in Korean / is shy, but i think she could be main rappers and (one of) main dancers / lead dancers. Go Yui!!