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  • HideWhenPlaying
  • Weather values to CircleProgress
  • App preview in editor if app bundle doesn't exist
  • Music elapsed time and elapsed bar
  • Music duration time
  • Hide Notification Center text
  • Hide dnd text
  • Open music playing action
  • Border option to battery and elapsed bars
  • Hide dock bg only option
  • sun/moon animation they will move across the screen as the day passes (if clear weather)
  • option to apply weather animations to homescreen


  • bug in animations when using trigger: option
  • bug when adding the first value to an animation object not adding brackets around it { }
  • view_height when animated
  • on the Add Element screen, if an element is tapped the element style menu will overlay the add element menu
  • when setting a color option to a blank string, it would crash editor


  • Consistency fix, when an element is added with spaces, the spaces are replaced by underscores. This did not happen when duplicating an element.
  • Theme search
  • view positions where editor layout could be different then tweak layout (on LS)
  • In settings if a collection of switches has a global on/off switch it will collapse all switches if the global switch is off
  • In settings sliders now have an option to manually enter a value by tapping the value

--More Details-- 


Option for UIView. If set to YES the UIView and everything it contains will be hidden when music is playing. This is just like ShowWhenPlaying, but the opposite.

App preview in editor

When applying themes from other users they may have apps installed that you don't. If that bundle id is set and you don't have the app the app placeholder would be blank. Now it will show a default image.

Music Elapsed

After 6 years I finally found the best way to get music elapsed time and have implemented it in Designer. You can now add elapsed time and duration to all your music players. I also added a Music Elapsed Bar element. This is just like the BatteryBar but for the elapsed time.

Open Music

This is an action which can be applied to things like UIViews and UIImages. When this action is pressed it will open the music app that is playing the music.

Hide Dock BG

This option will only hide the dock background. Previously you could only hide the entire dock. I can see this option being useful if you want to make docks in Designer. This allows you to hide the stock one and have fun.

SB Animations

You can thank @LadellParks for this feature as he paid me to add it. I don't care for animations, I mean they are cool but they are always heavy on the battery. For that reason I did not plan to have animations on LS and SB, but now you can have weather animations on the LS and SB. I try my best to make this as performant as possible. If you have LS animations on and aren't on the LS they stop, if device screen is not on then they stop. Same for SB if you aren't on the SB then they stop. This doesn't change the fact they will still use more battery then if you didn't have them enabled. I also added a sun and moon animation as there wasn't one.

-- Closing --

After working on Designer for the last 9 months it's so gratifying to finally see more than a handful of people enjoying it. I made this for myself and have been happy with it for many months. When others use it, it helps make it into something even better. Requesting things I haven't thought of or just sharing different ideas. 

The goal of Designer has always been to give me the opportunity to design my device how I want. With the ability to remove almost everything from the SB and LS and let me do what I want. I'm happy to share that with you and so humbled when I see what you create with it.

That being said here is a few user repos they setup so you can enjoy what they've created.

I hope you enjoy the update. If you have any issues, comments, requests, join the discord.

Designer v1.4.1 will be released Sunday the 4th of February.

You can get it on my repo, Patreon, or Gumroad. I've noticed many saying they don't want anything subscription based.  Gumroad is not subscription based, it's a 1 time fee, with future updates included. Root and Rootless support.

Repo: https://junesiphone.com/supersecret
Patreon: https://patreon.com/junesiphone
Gumroad: https://junesiphone.gumroad.com/l/designer



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