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Duplicating UIViews

I love the option of duplicating elements. It makes is much easier to create another element with the same styles. One thing that has really bothered me is not having the ability to duplicate UIViews. You could export the UIView to a template. Then add the template to duplicate the elements, but not as easy as pressing duplicate.

Duplicating UIViews is harder than duplicating any other element. Mainly because UIViews usually contain other views. In Designer you cannot have 2 elements that are named the same, so if you duplicate a UIView it would have duplicate element names. I did solve this with templates and since that is basically the same it just took some converting to now allow duplicating UIViews.


I haven't concentrated on iPad too much as there isn't many users for it, but here and there I have added iPad compatibility. Designer will work on iPad. Themes can be made on the iPad and they will work just like they do on iPhone.

A few issues still existed though. You create themes inside the settings app. Instead of me creating another app I simply use the settings app, this also gives me more permissions since it is a system app. I also don't have to worry about 2 different code bases. BUT iPad displays the settings app in split screen. Designer creator requires full screen as you are designing for the entire screen :(

My solution is add a setting in Designer that will force the settings app to be fullscreen. This actually worked out better than I thought. When the Make iPad Settings Fullscreen option is enabled iPad settings will show fullscreen. To show the root settings list swipe the left side of the screen to the right. To dismiss it just tap the main page.

iPad rotation. Designer themes did rotate with the orientation of the iPad (landscape and portrait) but there was a bug on elements that used FR and FB. I have fixed these issues.


New styles exist on the UILabel element. dataAttr, fontNameAttr, and fontSizeAttr. These options can be used to use 2 fonts on one UILabel. Example if you wanted to have a time element 10:30 and you wanted 10 to be one font and :30 to be another font. You would set the normal data to [paddedhour] then set the dataAttr to :[minute] Setting a font normally will change the hour and setting a font to fontNameAttr will set the font to :[minute]. fontSizeAttr works the same you can change the font of the "attributed text"


I have renamed the gear icon (in the bottom right of the app drawer) to appdrawergear (can be found in DesignerAssets folder) users can change this image to whatever they want. I also added the ability to set favs to show first launch.

Other Additions

  • Added text date data value
  • Added unlock device action
  • When a theme is first saved it will put the name used in the prompt on next save
  • Added option to remove wallpaper set to creator
  • Added a couple more stock fonts

Bug Fixes

  • Settings crash would occur when boxShadow copy was selected
  • Issue if a template name already existed inside the template itself
  • Black transparent color not stopping mask to bounds


I will note this again as it's not very obvious. If you create a UIView and add a UILabel to that view. If you move the element outside of the UIView bounds and have the boxShadow set to black transparent it will cut off any part that is outside the UIView. If you set the boxShadow to white transparent (or any other color) it will show that UILabel even though it's outside of the UIView bounds.


I spent this week creating some more Designer themes. You can find them in the main repo in Designer settings under Download Themes. JN01, JN02, JN03, JN04 and more in the works. These are meant to be simple themes that should fit a variety of setups. I also created a bunch of wallpapers that are featured in these setups. I highly suggest downloading the Patreon app to view this collection. Wallpaper Collection

Update v1.2.6 will be pushed to the repo this weekend. Thanks for your support ♥️



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