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Big changes to how data is entered for UILabels.

"data": "DF~hh:mm-time is I",

"data": "time is [paddedtime]",

This change is to make it easier to remember values, removing all cryptic nonsense. Here is a current cheatsheet.


[paddedhour] = 01
[hour] = 1
[minute] = 30
[time] = 1:30
[paddedtime] = 01:30
[day] = Wednesday
[shortday] = Wed
[date] = 5
[paddeddate] = 05
[dateordinal] = 5th
[timeofday] = morning
[month] = june
[shortmonth] = jun
[year] = 2023
[shortyear] = 23


[batterypercent] = 100
[ischarging] = charging or not charging
[charging] = charging only
[wifipercent] = 100%
[signalpercent] = 100%
[city] = current city
[condition] = cloudy
[temperature] = 75
[feelslike] = 75
[windspeed] = 5
[windunit] = mph or kph
[humidity] = 30
[low] = 60
[high] = 70
[day1day] = monday
[day1shortday] = mon
[day1high] = 70
[day1low] = 60
[day1condition] = thunderstorms
[day1icon] = 5

day1 is a daily forecast so add day2, day3, day4 etc. If you want weather icons for the forecast it is done like this. Notice "forecast":"day1" is added to the WeatherIcon element.

You can write text normally, but whenever you want system or date info just surround it with []. Another example is: Low:[day1low]° High:[day1high]° Day:[day1day] Icon:[day1icon] Condition:[day1condition]

I believe these changes were much needed and I did not add backwards compatibility therefore I had to remake all the themes using this new way of doing it. If you made a theme you will have to update them. system_info.json contains a lot of examples on how to use these values. You can see it shown in the image above. The forecast is not a bug there is thunderstorms everyday this week currently O_O

Other changes

  • Added ischarging
  • Added charging
  • Added low, high, and forecast
  • Added lowercase textStyle
  • Added option to cancel LS dimming (it never dims if enabled)
  • Fixed safemode when a theme name is changed or doesn't exist
  • Fixed safemode if color after space was used but no space given in text
  • Removed bottom_info.json it is now BottomInfo.json and not included in base
  • Improved refresh to allow ischarging to work as it should
  • Added support for iOS13 and iOS14

I have received reports of safemode with List and system_info. One user stated it was a formatting issue which I changed completely in this update. The other i'm not sure. These were 2 themes that used weather so that may be the case. If you have safemode with any themes contact me on Discord ASAP and i'll look into it. I ask you to do this quickly because once I start adding more things to this our installed versions are not the same.

I'm aware that there is no translations. It's simply not time to do that yet. The disabling of dim is not preferred I know that, but at least it gives you a way to not dim while testing themes. I'm still looking for a better way of controlling the dim based on a time interval.

ALL themes I made are updated and also in the attachments. Including BottomInfo, you must update them. I would suggest changing to a default theme before updating to not encounter any weird issues. time.json is a good choice.

If you have any issues let me know. Thanks for supporting me and this project. It has been difficult for me financially recently and your support does more than you think. I want to release this package due to that. I plan on putting it on Gumroad for a single price, but will be quite high. Unfortunately it's not in a release state yet, but this is the plan. It's already being pirated. From someone here so i'd like to ask you to not share my work please.

Thanks and enjoy.

Arm = iOS 13 - 16
Arm64 = Only rootless (dopamine)



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