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I made a mistake. This is a decent update but I did change the UI of LockPlus drastically. I should do the UI change and update. Instead I added more features on top of it, but here we are. Let me know what you think of the new UI please.

I worked on this over 2 months while I did take the initiative to start this post, there may be changes I totally forgot about. I did look over the git log and this is the most important changes at least. I'll get myself together.


Added name of panel when drag/dropping into a panel.

Added innerHTML to actions for text element labels.

Added animation timing and delay to actions.

Added multiple snapping features

Redesigned menus


Dragging element with finger

If you drag an element near another element it will snap to that elements container. The container of elements are defined by the white outline.

Moving element with sliders and buttons

While using any ui element like the +/- and slider if you hit center on x or y axis of the container it will show a line representing this point was hit. You can test this by going to align container and aligning X then Y you will see an indication on both axis.


This has been a challenge, grabbing all elements, actions, animations, etc on all elements in a panel saving it to file, then remaking it is not the easiest task. I found some flaws and ended up changing a lot here. So far it's been good with my huge panel tests.

New Features

Animations ran by actions is pretty much the same, with a couple important changes. When adding an action to an element, you can trigger this element by a click action on another element. I can tap one element and trigger actions on another. Now you can chain these by a delay.
position > height > width > opacity

I have 4 elements. On each element I put 1 animation that is actually controlling a separate element all together. To control these 4 

new text element
position (delay) height (delay) width (delay) opacity (delay)

When new text element is tapped it will run each of the animations with delays. This gives 2 layers of adjustments. The delay in between the animations and the speed on the animations.

New actions
music not playing, onload, and timing.

Timing option is available for an action style. It gives you the ability to add timing to the animations. Example a bezier curve cubic-bezier(0.64, 0, 0.78, 0).

I've added some presets: bounce, bounce1, curve, curve1, bump, snap, and smooth.

Music not playing action goes with the when music plays action. Now you can trigger an item when music is playing and when music is not playing. You will need 2 elements to trigger play and stop. One element for when music plays and one for music not playing.

onload is when LockPlus is loaded. If actions are set, when screen is shown those actions are played.

If you want to display something immediately then hide it after some time. You can add another element that does that animation with a delay here.

I will update 2.4.4 tomorrow, if you are a Patron you can get it now in my discord. Reason I have published this now.



Cameron R

Beautiful UI 🙏


<p style="color: #008600;">Good update! I'm glad you changed the interface. Well, good progress. And Happy Halloween!</p>