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QOL (Quality of life) improvements
Copy & Paste grid layouts
Copy & Paste actions
Individual border radius

Wifi Element (addElements > modules)
Signal Element (addElements > modules)
Lottie Animation (addElements > modules)

Calendar day offset

Grid Layouts
Commonly when making a FrontPage theme in LockPlus you will have app placeholders in a panel. The panel has a style option of align grid. This brings up a menu with multiple sliders which allow you to align the placeholders in a grid. This is by far the easiest way to make a grid of icons in a panel.

While adjusting placeholders to fit a grid in panels works great it only works for 1 panel. If you have multiple panels of icons it's not very easy to match grids. Say we have 2 panels with icons in each one. The goal is we want the panels to have the same grid layout. This is now done by the Copy Grid option. We would use Align Grid on our first panel and get the icons where we want. Once we have we can use the copy option on Copy Grid to copy this grid. Select the other panel and use the paste option of Copy Grid. This will set all the placeholders in the same position as the copied values. A note: Both panels must include the same amount of placeholders.

Actions are used on elements to trigger styles on other elements. Say I have 2 boxes, box 1 and box 2. If I tap box 1 I want box 2 to move 30px. This is an action. Actions can do many things but are mainly used to affect other elements. They can get complicated. Say I have a menu that contains items Apps, Social, Work and I want each of them to show a panel of icons. You can see how this will take duplicate actions. If you tap Apps you need to hide Social and Work. Tap Social and you need to hide Work and Apps. Now i've added a copy option, you can copy an action and paste it on another element. You would do this by selecting an action and pressing the copy button. Then go to where you want to paste the action and press the paste button.

Lottie Animations
"Lottie is an open source animation file format that’s tiny, high quality, interactive, and can be manipulated at runtime."

Think of Lottie like a gif but better. It's better as it's a lot smaller, higher quality, and can be manipulated. This could be very useful in making animations that are much more performant than a gif.

LockPlus now supports these Lottie animations. You can add a Lottie animation by going to Add Elements > Modules > Lottie Element. You will see the animation displayed in the creator looping it's animation. 

To change the Lottie animation you select the Lottie Element and select its style Change Lottie URL and enter your new url. You can find Lottie Animations on their website https://lottiefiles.com/featured 

To change animation state you select the Lottie Element, choose the style Lottie Animation State this style has 3 options (stop, play, custom). Stop will stop the animation and it will be invisible. Play will play the animation once, it will not loop. Custom currently has play, stop, pause, loop, or seek(value) as its options. Pause will pause the animation at its current frame, loop will loop the animation, and seek will go to a certain frame. seek(20) would move to the 20th frame seek(50%) will move it to 50% of the animation.

That's it for the Lottie styles. This is the base styles (its base state), but since we have control over these animations i've added some actions too.

Say I have a panel with icons in it and I animate that panel on screen when box1 is pressed. I can place a Lottie animation in that panel and only play that animation when the panel is shown. I would do this by going to box1 and affecting the Lottie animation. The actions for Lottie animations are (Lottie State, Lottie Stop Time, and Lottie Pause Time)

If I wanted the animation to play when box1 is pressed I would select box1 > actions > affect item (choose the Lottie) select the Lottie and set the Lottie State to play. Now when box 1 is pressed the Lottie animation will play. You can set play, stop, pause, loop, or seek on the Lottie State.

Lottie Stop Time is a time in milliseconds where the animation plays but stops at that millisecond time. If I wanted to play an animation and stop at a specific time I would use this. 

Lottie Pause Time is the same as stop time, but instead of stopping the animation and making it invisible it will pause on a frame.

Will Lottie animations impact battery? Yes, any type of animation no matter what form or fashion will use more resources compared to something without an animation. Is Lottie better than using a gif? Yes, gifs always loop with Lottie we have the ability to pause an animation when not needed. Gifs are also not scaleable where Lottie is. 

Here is a video of a Lottie animation in LockPlus.

I think that covers this update of LockPlus. I will upload this update tonight.



James Pittman

First I want to say thank youuuu for all of this! I'm so late joining the jailbreak scene [I fell down the rabbit hole about 8 months or so ago.] But immediately after I escaped my first device, I searched high and low...digging even further down the rabbit hole until I found the holy grail of Lockscreens and Homescreens that I was searching for! I'll say I'm a lot more educated now about the ins and outs of it all... but still gots longs ways to go. Lucky for us, you blazed that trail right on through for us "newbs" (sp? ha.) The other part I wanted to bring up is I've came across what I guess was originally a forum/tutorial/help website specifically about FP/LPP/Creator [which naturally I didn't bookmark nor can seem to find again], I've stumbled across some [and I mean no offense] but outdated tutorial videos on Youtube. I've seen some newer ones. I've read every post on Patreon inside and out. I've studied the manual. But I feel like there's a big breakaway somewhere still along the lines. And it's not just your stuff either... burning the midnight oil and scrolling through soo many repos and clicking on packages that either sounded quite interesting, or they were named so, but description was "Another awesome substrate tweak." Lol. But yea, so i've always been into coding [mostly html, css stuff] but been getting more and more into developing... specifically interested in jailbreaks and tweaks vs. sandbox apps. But there just isn't a lot of information out there or in here to kind of guide me or give me a "loose syllabus" per say on where I should start. I've looked through a lot of your widget and theme code trying to kind of [just in theory] break it down. It also drives me insane while looking for tweaks... I'd say 75% of them don't include the iOS compatibility... 10% do include it, but it's not correct. It's beyond frustrating after you're on way making your setup how you want, layouts, icons, etc... and then you get curious... and wanna try a new package... a few days later you've got no hair left, you're real fussy, and still end up having to restore RootFS. Lol.

James Pittman

So yea I realize while [loosely] proofreading my post... I'm not so sure I narrowed down what I'm after. Lol. I apologize for the complaint/temper tone it may have taken. Definitely not my intention! In all seriousness, if I hadn't come across the SuperSecret repo... I'd have thrown my hands up in the air just a few feet outside those precious bars!


Thanks! I think you are talking about the forum. It was replaced with discord as it was much easier to have conversations with others.