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LockPlus now has a companion app!
(It can be found in the Apps section of my repo.)

Many fixes changes with LockPlus and the LockPlus Creator

Here will be a change-log since the last update on April 8th.

Triple click volume up will toggle LockPlus interaction.

You can set the toggle in LockPlus settings to disable interaction, then whenever you are on the LS and want to change the theme just enable it.

Added a zoom option.

When in the creator you can now use pinch zoom. This will only zoom/scale the theme area with the grids.

Added what I call a Quick Style menu.

When selecting an element in the creator it shows the style menu, the menu lets you scroll through the styles and has some quick buttons at the top to jump to styles. With minimal space in the quick buttons bar I decided to show yet another style menu. This one shows all styles, alphabetically, in one panel, and with no scrolling. This makes it much faster finding the style you want. This menu is located in the quick buttons menu (has three dots ... )

Added music playing actions.

The button is labeled "When Music Plays" you can select this, then an element you want to affect. When music plays the animation you set will play. To go along with this I added an always rotate action if you want it to always rotate when music plays.

Adjusted Sliders

Sliders function slightly different now. They are much smoother allowing you to slide in 1px increments. The difference i'm talking about is the (majority of the sliders) the slider handles will be centered. Before you could only go to 0 as that's usually the sensible value. Now you can go the same distance in negative as you can positive.

-100 -------- 0 --------- 100

This makes 0 the center which is where the slider is. While -100px width doesn't make sense it does make it much easier to adjust elements using the sliders.

Fixed moveAll

When moving elements inside a panel, which was inside another panel it would offset them incorrectly.

Added label to placeholders

FrontPage placeholders placed in the creator will have a fake label attached for sizing.

Added highlight all

Highlight all will draw a border around every element on the screen. This can be used for sizing, just checking alignments, etc. Tap highlight all it will select all, tap it again to deselect. 

Added CustomPanel text color

In Creator settings you can change the custompanel text color.

Fixed issue in panels

If there was 1 panel and 1 element and you placed the 1 element in a new panel it wouldn't remove from the original. Visibly it would, but it wouldn't.

Fixed tap hold in menus

When adding an element you can tap hold it to immediately add it to a panel. The fix was to not make it as sensitive and cancel when something like a scroll happens.

Fixed, Added, Changed Templates

This one. Fixed issues in templates with boxes and text elements. If adding a template on top of another template these elements would fail.

Templates can now include actions. If you make a dock with icons and a button to launch the app drawer. Turn it into a template. When you apply that template the button actions and app actions will be there.

CopyStyle Menu

One style option is to copy styles from something else. The copy style menu would let you select from a list of elements. This sometimes could get pretty big so scrolling through them is not ideal. For that I added the menu much like the affect items menu. It will categorize them by panel, box, text, etc. 

Labels in CustomName

Panels and other elements allow you to give that element a name. This makes it easier to find in menus. Now i've added a way to add a label to it. This label is a single letter followed by a : Example a:closebutton. What this does is make a label in placed elements. Now it will have panel, box, text, a, etc. If you select the a then it will show you closebutton. You can add that label a: to another element to put it in there. Basically grouping elements by adding that to a CustomName. In bigger projects this is king.

Added scale action

scaleX, scaleY, and scale were added to the action menu

Added 4 rss feed elements

Each feed can be set to a different url.

Other things:

Fixed issue when deleting a customDiv (creator)
Made undo and unlock icons bigger (creator)
Ability to hide today view and camera view separately in LockPlus settings.
Fixed double popups sometimes happening in the creator
Added more buttons to the image url selection.

Also created an app  O_O

To be fair I did start the app last year just had to pretty much redo everything but I had a base :)
The biggest thing of the app is the creator. It's a pain to create something on the LS creator unless it's quick. If i'm making a FrontPage theme and it takes 3 days I don't want it to be on my LS. With the creator in the app it's completely separate. 

App contains other unique options for the creator like the image vault. While in the app creator when you add an image to a box element you can select image and it will open the image vault where you can touch an image to copy the url, which then you can use in your element.


A collection of uploaded images, png, svg, gif, etc. Tap an image to copy url or upload an asset from your camera roll. Select few will have access to upload to the image vault. It requires a code that will change over time. If you want access contact me with your LockPlus creator name. (The name you upload themes with)
Patrons can get the code from the Pro section of the Creators main menu. You login via Patreon and the code is shown there. There is also other options like export to LockPlus there.

You can also install themes from the app to the LS. The only caveat is it doesn't set wallpapers.

I think that's it. Sorry you had to read all that.

Patrons have been testing this for I believe a couple weeks now on my discord, but if you have any questions, requests, etc they'll get answered here.





I absolutely love the list of additions and changes, the explanation is quite detailed, thanks for the efforts you put into every part of your work!