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  • Analog Clock

  • Choosable weather animation

  • More default repos

  • Follow option for UIView


  • Various code cleanup


  • theme being hidden after opening camera (from LS) and pressing the power button instead of closing the camera.

  • Issue with image search and capitalization

Analog Clock

With the analog clock element you can choose a seconds, minutes, hour and background image. Allowing you to make pretty much any analog clock you want. I have included a set of images so you can see which sizes they are and it will display an analog clock as soon as you add the element.

Weather Animation

You can select a custom animation for the weather. Enable Custom Animation in settings, then Select a Custom Animation. Clouds, rain, snow, and sun are available.

More default repos

I have selected some of the most popular repos and added them to Designer by default. There is always a list of repos in Discord, but not everyone uses discord. This gives those more repos and more themes to choose from.

Follow option for UIView

Say you have a battery bar. This battery bar fills up or empties based on the battery percent. If you wanted to add a bubble that had the battery percent and have it follow the battery bar this was not possible.

Now I have added a follow option to the UIView element. This allows you to achieve that.

You need to put the following UIView and the BatteryBar in a UIView as children. Once they are children you can select the following UIView and set followWidthItem if its in the container with the battery bar by pressing the 3 dots you can see the battery bar element. Setting the followWidthItem will make the element follow the batterybar inside.

FollowWidthOffset another new option on the UIView allows you to set the offset of which it follows. Say you want the following UIView to be left by 10 and down by 20 from the bar. You would set 10,20 the 10 being the x and 20 being the y, these are separated by a comma.

Since the follow item is a UIView you can place anything inside it and it will also follow.

This works for the batterybar, progressbar, weekdaywidget, and elapsedbar.





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