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Uh... it looks like the one without post-processing got more votes.

But the way I work is that I do it in batches, not day by day, so the images will be posted with post-processing for a few days. (It was my mistake to post the poll without giving you a heads up about this, I apologize).

I've always wanted to get rid of the film grain that pervades my models, but I've been unsuccessful due to my lack of technical skills in AI. 

But I think this post-processing can improve the whiteness of the image, and I'm working on it.

I think the image posted for yesterday's vote was a bit too much post-processing. (That image is from 2 days ago).

For now, everyone, I'm going to upload the post-processed images for ten days only, and I think my skills will improve in the meantime. If you don't like them after ten days, I'll just upload the originals again.

I want to fix my whitish image, and I think this is a pretty good way to do it. 

I apologize for making this poll pointless. But I want to fix my blurry images, and this method seems to be working pretty well for me. Trust me, you'll see.

I'll attach a few images that I'm working on in post-processing.

Isn't this better than the poll image I posted yesterday?

Anyway, I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my impatience. 

Please bear with me a little longer. I'm really looking forward to using this method.


Cafe L.A.

I have always thought that the film grain you are concerned about is one of the qualities of your work. The whiteness of the image also gives a sense of transparency and is far superior to 'over-coloured images', don't you think?  In any case, I look forward to seeing more of your work in the future.


I've been trying to fix blurry images for a while now, and I think it's good to have a filmic look, but not too blurry. I'm trying to figure out how to get the right film grain effect in post-processing. Anyway, thanks for looking at it in a positive light. I will work on getting the images you want as soon as possible.

Cafe L.A.

Thanks for the reply. Looking forward to your new work!