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What do you think of this art style?

I think it's pretty clear and has beautiful background and face, but it takes a long time because it shows a lot of mutation.

If you guys think this is good, I'll research this style and improve it.




That would be a tricky spot. I really love this style very much, but the other folks might find it a bit generic and impersonal. This one's probably still the best out of the other AI-creater's stuff though. Those previous pieces are unique, but they look a bit rough and could use some refining. If you could nail the textures of the skin, liquids, and sweat, I think your painting style would be even more awesome. And if you can pull off that unique and detailed style without frying the GPU, then that'd be the bee's knees. As always, the panoramic selection of angles is breathtaking. And the addition of the after-sex scenes at the end of the file is great!


P.S. The part to keep in mind is that you are the AI creator. Painting style is only an option. Your individuality may be in your extremely varied perspectives and poses There has been many beautiful AI art in the stars, but the variation of expression is simple (probably a series of the same prompt output), and it gets boring quickly! But your output all have unique poses and perspectives that will never get boring, and you'll get to the last one! I would like to see you arm yourself with a variety of painting styles as options and refine your viewpoints, situations, and poses, rather than sticking to one paint style.