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Hello everyone, here I bring you the last 4 races for Pred-Xagg'tar, with this I put an end to the part of the NPCs and now I will start with the design of the Eldritch form of the participants that will be the following ones:

- Kag'ya (improvements in her current design).

- Kassogtha

- Aya

- Nctosa & Nctolhu

- Ayi'ig

The others like Mother of pus and Yidhra are not needed as they are technically in their real form so they won't need a design, well that will be all for now look forward to the transformations and have a nice day~




The variety of prey coming is a full-on smourgas-board! Also looking forward to Kag'ya's updated eldritch form as well as the debut of Aya's eldritch form and the others. *edit* btw the species you added that aren't the traditional fantasy species are interesting. Wonder if the Amfrobos taste like chicken.