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Hey there!
Lil doodle while working on the comic =w=
I really need to make doodles faster to keep some stuff to show you guys, haha

This is Kog'maw in his Shan Hai Scrolls skin, just doing some fappy while on his own~

Could have used his tail head for...some head, but the lazy tail is sleeping :v...besides doubt Koggy would be dommy enough to ask



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-21 07:41:15 So not only is this a Koggy artwork that completely catched me off guard, it's also his new skin and he is fapping while presenting himself like this? It's just pure perfection.
2023-09-21 03:11:08 So not only is this a Koggy artwork that completely caught me off guard, it's also his new skin and he is fapping while presenting himself like this? It's just pure perfection.

So not only is this a Koggy artwork that completely caught me off guard, it's also his new skin and he is fapping while presenting himself like this? It's just pure perfection.