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Heyo there!
I just thought it'd be cool to update you guys since I had quite the unproductive week and it's gonna slow down art.

A week ago, on friday, I got belly sick at night, which kinda ruined my sleep that night, only for things to get a little weirder after lunch time, in which moment I got a weird symptom that had me going to the hospital for an emergency (And oh gosh, it took +9 hours to get attended and get out, yay for free health care but these times are ridiculous x3;;;).
At the end it was mostly just a scare...something to do possibly with one of my medicaments for that affliction I have, which now it was confirmed on what it is, so now I'm stuck with a chronic condition that has no cure and I'm gonna be stuck taking medicine for the rest of my life |3;;;

It could be worse!, my condition is not life threatening, so it's mostly a reminder that my body is broken, but at least this part shouldn't bother me since now we know what it is and how to handle it.

Now for a week I have been with stomach pains, interrupting my sleep and the such, just now I got prescribed some medicine to help with my pain a couple of days ago, so now I'm doing better. Today I am finally able to say that I am well rested x3;;;

So yeah, apologies with the art, I was hoping to have had a comic page already done by now, but I have been so out of it these days what with the tiredness and stuff.
Either ways, I'm back to the drawing board and hopefully I can expedite the current page!

Hope you are doing good over there yourselves!
Love ya'll
Char char!



Take care<3


Get well hon


Oh no! I'm so sorry Vee. I'm glad you're feeling better at least, always worrying about you sweetie xxx


I'm already feeling better, tho today I ended up low energy and taking a nap, so it was an unproductive day again xwx


I just seem to need a little more time to feel tippy top, I might end up doodling some while I'm like this |3;;;; Dun worry too much about me tho, I'll be fine~


Haha I'm always gonna worry about you <3 But doodling to take your mind off stuff sounds good. I hear doodling moogles and charmeleons work wonders for healing ;D


Huh, I can't load this comment on the post you wrote it on, but either ways thank you As a creative yourself you totally must know this xD, dunno if the feeling will go away at all unless I stop doing art altogether It's the sort of thing that afflicts people on the creative field just because they want to keep creating stuff all the time, so the only cure I can imagine is either getting so good at working that you make stuff consistently fast and therefore never have a backlog or you just don't art ever again, lmao Maybe there is a way around it, but living with this I can't think of a way that's healthy~