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He is probably gonna get a bunch of cookies for all that uwu

Hello there
I'm sorry for dissapearing for so long, just now as I got here to upload this page I noticed I even got some people worried for my absence.
I have been here all this time, just stressing trying to finish this page pretty much, having some pretty bad work weeks and I haven't learned anything and insist on not throwing an update on my state without having something to show...like I'm doing now |3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I just feel like if I have time to apologize then I have time to work...and if I finish something then it doesn't feel as bad, I'm sorry you guys.

I even tried to do daily doodles to warm up for work. I got 0 doodles to show because I just couldn't get to do them </3. Been drawing blanks and having trouble drawing stuff that I haven't had trouble with in the past (Like I even wanted to draw something silly and small with my charmeleon for valentine's, but couldn't "figure out" the body for some reason </3 )

So yeah, I have been having trouble getting anything done over here. I'm working on the next page straight away tho, also gotta put polls for January and February. Sorta missed my chance to make something valentine's based with the poll pairings.

All things said and done I think this page is solid and I have no complaints besides how loooong it took xwx
At this rate I'm never gonna catch up with anything, haha...

Either ways, I hope you like the page! sorry for worrying you and I'll try to at least make some quick doodles here and there to update in case things aren't going smoothly for next page!


Full res:




Welcome back &lt;3


Hey we're just glad you're okay! If you have some times where you're struggling to draw it's okay, it happens. Just make sure you let us know you're safe. We all care about your well being!


I just wish I could hug you. What we care about is your well-being. Your art comes second. Please, don't put so much stress on yourself like that. You're a real, complete person, and not just an artist that uploads art online.


Honestly I think most of us were more concerned about your wellbeing than the sudden stop of art since you went dead silent without any warning. It's good to see you are still there and healthy and I hope your current struggles will get better as soon as possible.


Thank you for looking out for me, it's just hard to come around to say something without anything to show for all that time away. Makes me feel like people will see it as me loafing around without working on purpose or something x3;;;


Daww, while I understand what you are saying, my entire life right now rides on making Patreon work out so I can have an income. Me not fulfilling my part of the deal just feels like a betrayal to everybody supporting me. I owe it to all of you guys to at least draw some silly stuff or something xwx, lol


It's funny how you bring out health, when I had a health issue going on for almost a year, only for it to randomly heal up by around the start of January only to be back again in full force x3;;;; And here I was happy to be mostly healed, haha.. Either ways I do apologize for the radio silence, that is totally unacceptable tbh. I just feel like "talk is cheap" when I got no action to support it &lt;/3


Oh sweetie no one thinks that. Next time just let us know if you're struggling. We will understand. Thanks for taking the time to draw this amazing comic for us xx


It took me soooo long to finish, it was pretty much snail-paced speed xwx, haha. At least I'm sorta content with it!, that's something &lt;3 Also nowadays I'm always struggling, but I'm always hopeful and trying to make it work, so there's that =w=


And we appreciate all the time and hard work you spend on it! Just know we're always here backing you up, (Like how Vee is gonna get backed up in this comic ;3 )


I understand, but when it gets to this point, your community isn't just there to support you financially, but also morally.