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Which is probably not gonna help when he has to deal with the extra soreness later on his next date.

Heyo everyone =w=
Finished the first winning pairing of November, kinda silly that I ended up doing december first, but it couldn't be helped~
I love me drawing some Veemon uwu, tho tbh I had trouble drawing this time, kinda felt like I was rusty or something, but I managed to get my stuff together and fix and fix until it looked right xD
Onto Stitch now!

Char char~

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Lmao This is not the Vee from my comic, it's yours obvs He always loves taking it up the bum uwu *Shot?* <3


What is this?! V-mon is a totes top only and would never bottom, it's in the lore of your comic! So unrealistic, tut tut. Like vee could ever bottom like that! ;D