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So I want to do something like what I did last christmas and make a themed piccy (Christmas fuck-together! | Vitrex on Patreon this is the one me be talking about)

Basically I'll choose a good bunch of cuties of whatever franchise it's chosen uwu. If it's a P-mon/D-mon winner I might make a new post to ask who you'd like to see included. If it's a League win (Yordle pretty much, who am I joking with "League") then I might not ask since there are so little to choose from anyways!
Tho I might end up making it all Gnar-based (All of his skins) or something *Shot?*

I'm setting the voting on this one for just a couple of days so I can start working on it pronto so it's finished before christmas |3c, so vote away!

Meanwhile I'll be working on the next comic page!
Char char <3



Oh yes I was wondering what you would be doing for Christmas. Make sure you're in the picture too. With the digimon who will totes win xD xx


If I might make a suggestion, why don't you make this pic a compilation out of all three of them? Of course the winner of the poll gets the most characters in (for example 8 characters, 4 D-Mons, 2 PMons/LoL Characters if D-Mon wins). I mean they are all your main franchises that you draw the most so a compilation out of all three of them would be pretty nice for the end of the year and has something for everyone. Like I have nothing against another D-Mon christmas pic, but since we will get quite a lot of D-Mon action next year through the comic (and probably through a lot of polls aswell) it would give the others also a bit more spotlight. Also if yordles are somehow winning, can Koggy still be part of the pic even though he isn't a yordle or do you want it to be only yordles?


I love the idea of making it a compilation/mix of all three themes. I would consider going for it were not because of the difficulty that'll generate having to decide who is gonna be in it and even more so who with who (Since it's pretty much set that'll be a naughty pic) I could always have them with their buddy from their world, but them all being mixed up sounds a little more interesting/reasonable when they are all sharing the same place. I think I'd prefer to stick to one franchise as to not block me mentally from the extra decision making involved on putting multiple franchises together =w= Unless somehow once the poll is done I get struck with a bolt of inspiration and manage to visualize the perfect pic for everyone involved xD, but no promises!


Digimon is so winning |3c. I kinda would avoid setting myself with a big project like making pics for events like these, but last year it worked fine so why not? =w= Now I gotta plan the piccy.... let me see... Veemon x veemon x veemon x veemon x veem...*SHOT*


I love this idea honestly. Twitch x V-mon. Teemo x Charmeleon. Gnar x Gabumon. Some really fun mixes could be done!


Gnar x Gabumon? I wouldn't have thought of that one! Interesting stuff indeed xD


I mean with the current poll state I would've said 1 Pokemon (which should be your Charmeleon), 3 Yordles and 4 Digimons since they are pretty even. As for pairings how about 3 bigger boys and 5 smaller boys. The 3 bigger boys could be Koggy, Guilmon and Charmeleon and the smaller boys around them could be Vee, Gnar, Fizz, Goma and Gabu. I mean it basically covers a lot of the popular characters so it definitely has something for everyone. Of course the characters could be swapped with some others especially the Digimons since there are so many lovable ones (like Gazi, Agu, Gamma, Armadillo or Elecmon). And I mean let's be honest, Fizz, Gnar and Koggy (atleast Arcanist or Zap'Maw) all kinda look like Digimons already so they would definitely fit in with the gang. However I do understand that putting in multiple franchises in one would mean quite a lot of work so I don't mind if it's just Digimons.


You know I gotta get my digimon fix!


Yeah, those could work but I haven't even thought on how many pairings I can draw realistically before christmas =w=, making up pairings for me is also pretty hard when they are crossed. I just don't know if I'm doing something wrong with either one, haha. It's probably gonna stay as digimon only to avoid extra stress, but we'll see xD