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Hey there =w=
I think I'll be working on one comic page at a time this time to see if it helps with production to see if it's faster this time.
Meanwhile I whipped out this poll to get it going while I finish the current page =w=

Just as clarification, Koggy would have his latest skin from the Monster Tamer series, Zap'maw and Gnar will be in his Super Galaxy skin!

Check the attachments for them refs! |3c




As much as I love Gomamon and Gabite but seeing Koggy in the lead makes me happy. I really hope it stays like that.


Hehehe, while I tried not making the other pairings too much better than the koggy one to give it a chance, I do think all pairings would be worth drawing~ <3


Yeah honestly both of the other pairings would've been lovely aswell. I'm just so desaturated from new Koggy content that I'm just insanely happy to see him getting some love again (especially after we wrote how the picture could eventually look like).