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Quite the catch, I'm sure that's gotta break some records...at least on Fizz's own "special" records~

Heyo there!
Second pairing of July here!, just a very appreciative Fizz of the good things in life =w=. Maybe I'll do a continuation in another poll xD, that is if he can take it!

Sorry btw for the lack of art as of late!, some of you might remember, but I have been having a health issue and this month finally I got an intrusive exam done (Healthcare here is free, but them waiting times are kinda crazy ;w; ). The prep for the exam and going around taking other exams for this other one made it for quite a busy couple of weeks tbh.
I'm still recovering from the process, but I managed to make something at least. I hope you guys like it!
From now on it should be business as usual hopefully <3

Full res:




*whistle* that's a keeper. Love the happy look on Fizz's face. As to a potential sequel I'd vote for that in a heartbeat. The real question is which would I'd love more, him sitting on that monster or sucking on it.


"We're gonna need a bigger butt. I mean boat..." Lovely work! I think this pairing workes out really well ^^ Also no need to be sorry if life gets in the way of things. Personal well-being comes first :)


Lmao, I'm happy with it as well uwu Looking at your avatar, I imagine oral would be the one~ *Shot?*


I do think so as well~ Both be energetic scalies ready to have some fun &lt;3 ...some more ready than others!


Oh dear I love everything about this pic. The characters, the expressions and overall whats happening. And yeah I would totally love to see another sequel of those two with maybe some oral action. Also I'd really love to see more League crossovers since I think theres a lot of potential for good pairings.


Hehehe, that's what I like to hear |3c What other League crossovers can you suggest? I'm always open for them suggestions~ Crossovers aren't a thing that come naturally to me because my head just goes straight for in-universe pairings for whatever reason xD


dang, you read me like a book, I DO have a bit of a weakness to bj pics xD.


Well I do have a bunch of them. For starters I guess Stitch/Fizz would be a perfect fit since they both kinda look similar and they have the same energy. Then I guess maybe something like Riggle/Flammie, Pikachu/Kennen, Hushtail/Vulpix, Veemon/Fizz, Ori/Gnar, Burno/Charmeleon, Bungo/Gammamon (Riggle is the Dragon from Dragon Trainer Tristana and Burno/Bungo/Hushtail are Little Legends). As for Koggy... I honestly would pair him up with everything because I just want to see more of him... but outside of that I think Kog'Maw/Yoshi would fit the best. That's just a bunch I came up with just now idk if there is anything useful in there. Also I think some League characters would fit better with certain skins like Arcanist Koggy or Karate Kennen rather than their default form.


Hey those are all pretty good tbh |3c I totally should draw more Little legends in general. I got on the last set the cute firecracker Duckbill and I so wanted to draw him =w=. I just forgot to add him to the polls! Also I liked drawing Gnar with Stitch, but didn't think about doing Ori, that would work pretty well. I might take a couple of these for some polls for sure |3c


I mean I'm glad if you like some of them. I mostly took a League character and paired him with something fitting from another game (same species, same color, same energy/theme something like that). I also tried to take characters that you would draw and not something to much out of the ordinary. Also yeah there are a lot of adorable Little Legends and most of them don't even have that much art. Personally I love the Scalies like the Piximander or the Dragons and those little Bugs. The Duckbills are also adorable, maybe you could pair him up with the Year of the Tiger Little Legend or Firecracker Teemo since they match the theme (I mean Lion Dance Koggy would also be an option but idk if he would fit).