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Someone got more than he bargained for when he went to clear the Raptor camp! |3c

Heyo there!
I finished this lil thang, the second poll winner of March, featuring Gnar in his Elderwood skin and some pretty willingful baddies.
I was thinking one raptor would do thr trick, but I couldn't avoid wanting to add multiple ones. 3 felt like too much for a poll drawing tho, so 2 was the magical number =w=

I was also debating adding a quick background to this so I could play with some extra lights n' stuff, but since I'm bad at BGs, I couldn't figure something quick enough. So no BG xD

Either ways I hope you guys like!, I'm happy with it myself for once =w=

Full res:




This is a combination of both cute and hot that I never knew I wanted until now 🥵


Lmao, that's what I strive to achieve tbh Cute hotties uwu I have quite the soft spot for lewdable cuties *Nods nods* Glad you liked it and good to hear you want more >:3c <3