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I wanted to post this yesty, but I got too concentrated on my gomamon practice xD
There aren't many changes on Veemon, since his proportions were slightly more well followed before, but his tail and head could use the little fix, specially the head x3;;;
I hate going back to look at my older takes, lol, this looks better to me, haha

Also on a side note, I am starting to like a lot of these digis with slits (At least the scalies), but for the sake of consistency and the sake of nice bulges on clothing, I'm gonna keep this coming comic with them balls and sheaths.
It's a little sad because slits make more sense on some of these bois, but it's a little sacrifice for the sake of some eye candy here and there xD



Teena Turner

Veemon will be forever my favorite dorky digiboi! Thanks for posting your doodles, they are great <3


Yayyyy. Thanks for drawing my sexy V-mon! Slits are also amazing.


He is a happy and energetic dork |3c Kinda how Gammamon is lookin' in the new show <3 <3 <3


Slits are pretty nice and convenient |3c Tho I can't say no to a good set of balls under that candy cane~


You could do slits and just say Agumon castrated him or something. :3c

Kuru Chilion

Im glad you're being consistent with character design.


Am also in favor of slits where they make sense. Though I understand the desire to keep consistency especially since this is a sequel comic. I'll look forward to slits showing up on future digi comics.


I do like slits occasionally but I def love balls a lot and veemon with balls is way cuter. i also prefer him with white balls compared to blue balls (pun intended.) Very cute though I think if you wanted to include some with slits, hawkmon would be good one to go with. gomamon and armadillomon and also wormmon would also make sense due to being quadrupeds but I do get the consistency. But I think a lot of the biped characters like veemon and such work well with balls. Just my thoughts Also are all the characters shown in the last comic gonna show up here as well? Would love to see some more patamon.


LOL Might have gone a little too far with one of them B's to the J's~


It's my desire to draw these guys as close to the show as I can with my lackluster skill level =w= I wish people were drawing them more like the show, specially in comics, but since there is a lack of it, I am taking it to myself to try x3 <3


Yeah, I might give Wormmon at least a slit, considering he'd be dragging his stuff on the floor otherwise owo;;;; But besides him, I think I'm keeping them all as displayed on the first comic! But yah, without the clothing eyecandy in comics in the future, I'll totally draw some more slits and stuff like that x3


Oh yeah!, some of the refs I saw had the belly marking not quite go too far down his belly! So I had it like that on the comic, but now that I'm actually practicing more with these guys, I noticed my blunder x3;;; I'm fixing that now as you can see, haha Also on that department, I think I'll leave Wormmon with a slit, considering he'd be really dragging his stuff painfully down there xD, but since I already had patamon show a nice bulge, I gotta give the other quadrupeds it, aka, for Armadillomon and gomamon =w= And indeed, all the bois will be in this comic. They are all gonna get some attention this time! (It was my idea originally to give all of them some action, but due to bad writting I had to scrape it and just make it a threesome tops, haha)