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Heyo there!

I have been working these days on these bois, they are gonna be some the workers posted around in the hotel. Along their duplicates, lol.
Since it's a love sort of hotel, I decided to give them an uniform! I was sorta thinking on giving each a different uniform, but thought it made more sense for all to share the same uniform.

I think it works!, lol, tell me if you don't agree so I can make adjustements =w=

I'm also thinking that I'm gonna delay the comic one more month so I can get practice on eeeerbody before I work on the comic as to avoid travesties like Gabumon at the start of the first comic x3;;;; (In my defense, I thought he'd be much easier than what he ended up being, haha).

Doesn't help I haven't done the cover page yet!, so to properly do everything, I'll take just one more month as I keep you posted with my practices if you guys are okay with it!
Alongside one more round of backed up rewards as well =w=




ooohh I like em. The uniforms look really nice on them, hope they get to take part in some of the action as well <3 Especially if they get to keep the uniforms while doing so (gotta get back to work promptly after all...)


Gazimoooon x3 "She" is my second favorite digimon, after Gabumon of course. (I wrote Gazimon with "she" because if she was my partner digimon she would be a girl /I think/ and Gabumon would be a boy.) She looks very good even naked, and I like her in uniform as well. Although I prefer the dressless version (I wonder why... xD :P ), but of course it wouldn’t be a problem if they were in these uniforms either. And Gazimon's eyes are so awesome!!! x3 :P I don’t even know how you could get a feel for my two favorite digimons. :D


Oh god that gazimon is adorable. Hope he gets to 'service' some of the digiboys ;3


Hehehe, happy to hear it works! I do plan to have one of 'em join one of the pairings |3c, tho I haven't decided yet, haha~


It probably looks better naked to you since then you could imagine it's a grill indeed |3c Since the uniforms don't hide anything~ Happy you liked 'em <3


Maybe he'll join in one of the groups!, either him or blackgatomon, me thinks <3