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Heyo there everyone!

Again sorry for the polls being posted so late x3;;;

I'm also sorry because I wanted to make this update sooner, I mentioned around the 20th in one of the polls I put because at that point, I decided that I was gonna take an extra month to catch up, but mostly to work on comic details, aka the storyboard!

I have found myself working pretty well as of late, even if it might not show too much, since I'm not uploading too often, but it's mostly because on some ocassion I was working on some avatars that I don't upload. Then I was working on a reward for someone and got details mixed up with another reward, so what would have turned up on the full drawing finished the next day became nothing to show and starting on another sketch for the actual reward :v

Either ways~, I have good news tho!
I have concretized the story of the comic, which means that the major beats are set and I just need to work on the connecting thread and all the juicy digi shlong details |3c.
I'm gonna be making the cover page sometime mid September and then we'll be set to start the comic on October on the same pace as before, a page per week!

I haven't decided yet if I'll be taking out all the big reward slots until I'm fully caught up with everything before or not, it'll depend more or less on how many things I'm still owing by the end of September =w=

So yah!, expect a very juicy and gratuitous comic soon enough <3
Have a good day everyone~


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