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Heyo there!

I know it's kinda late in the month to be making such an statement...I actually wanted to do it by the 15th, since by then it was clear that I needed more time before the comic, but time really passes me by @w@;;;;

So yeah, I'm sorry to say, but I'm gonna have to take another month before starting the comic.
I actually know it won't be enough time to catch up considering my work speed as of late, but I realize that I can't just keep taking forever before the next comic, so I'm indeed gonna at least use one extra month so I can work the story of the comic, conceptualizing and catching up as much as possible with the rest of the missing rewards.

I'm considering closing all $20 and $30 slots so I can work on the comic while catching up on the older rewards. That way I don't risk never ending my pending list. But we'll see. I think I'll have the first month during comic production as a test if I can actually finish all the monthly rewards, comic pages and catch up on older stuff all at the same time xD

I'm hopeful!, lol.
Thank you as always for your support and patience with this ol' char
If you have grievances, suggestions or comments totally let me know! <3
I only bite sometimes and it's mostly love bites =w=

Have a good day ya'll!



I think you should close the slots and take your time. It's not a speed run afterall~ I'll always support you, you're too awesome &lt;3


It is tho, it's a speedrun to the bank! *Shot* Joking asides, lowering my income will make it harder later on so I can finally rent an apartment that's not overflowing with spiders and centipedes for being an attic xwx Lmao


I think people will be ok with delaying things a bit further. I can't speak for everyone, but we don't throw the munz your way because we want you to slave drawing. We like your stuff and want to support you for it. I'd bet my left nut no one in this patreon would be like "I DEMAND ART I PAY GIV ART NOW" Unless they're a karen. Karens usually don't involve themselves in porn 8)


Hehehe, that's reassuring to know, tho don't go on betting using ya jewels ;w; You never know when someone will go against you just for a chance of grabbing your nut! *Shot* I guess I could make a poll to know for sure if I should take all the time needed to have an empty plate or not I'll see how things go this August x3 Thank you Asbel-boi