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Zito doesn't mind taking a break in the middle of his early morning shift to spend some quality time with the naughty chus!
....hopefully it doesn't take too long tho!, I swear my letters never arrive in time anymore :v

Heyo there =w=
Lil reward for Zarro, who wanted me to draw him along Sparky the pikachu and Zito the Raichu~
Zito being a mail courier gave me the idea of having the chus jumping him during the start of his shift as he is checking the mailboxes in the morning. Kinda silly that the chus woke up so early to surprise the bigger Raichu, but it's the best time, specially with not many folks on the streets yet |3c

Full res (Finishing):
Full res (Middle of it):




Looks like lots of fun. Very cute and sexy c:


Gosh I love this so much <3