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There is nothing more exciting for Gnar than spending some quality time with the swift scout!

Heyo there!
Them winners  from February's pairing poll. Sorta thought on having Gnar topping Teemo, but I realized how little I draw the reverse!, so I did that this time xD (Hubby actually pointed out to me that the only time I drew a subby Gnar with Teemo was in my old doodles, lol)

Sorry for dissapearing for a week btw. I actually had this pic finished on last week's monday, but a series of things went on that made me for one not post it, for another not be able to art in general |3;;;;.
For one...being mega real? a game addiction |3;;;;;... usually I play an hour in the morning every day as to not empty my fun meter and then be able to work later, but I tried changing to playing in the nights because me playing in the mornings was a distraction for my husband, haha. So it happens that I work better at night for whatever reason, soooo I'd end up considering to play, but finding myself having fun working or having a smooth time, then deciding not to play and put the emphasis on the art, which in turn made it so days would pass without playing!
Sooooo....I decided to pick a new game to play in the mornings...and I picked Disgaea 1 and man oh man, it's sooooo addictive to this grinding RPG brain of mine |3;;;;;;;;;;;;;
At the start, I procrastinated from posting the pic that night because I was playing, lol

Then the second thing happened!, a lack of sleep x3;;;. One day I slept 2 hours before being woken up by construction work outside! so all buzzy and feeling weird I'd just play Disgaea without the head to do anything else |3;;;, then next night I slept 4 hours, no idea why!
Back to Disgaea, then next morning another 4 hours and so on xD;;
Today was the first day I slept 7 hours finally, so I'm gonna be working today, lol

This is all to say that now I'll be back to work on double time to make up for that almost week of inactivity |3;;;. Sorry for it but I'll try my hardest again!
Finishing the Regular Show dudes now =w=.

Full res:




Was looking forward to this for a while! Great work! Always nice to see some Gnar action~


Oh man.... I could not imagine playing Disgaea in 2021!! That game is pretty cool, but I found the end game to be stale since there's a pretty narrow meta; you end up making everything the same creature and your main characters get out scaled into obscurity. Imo, play the game through for a few endings and move on unless you really want to do those item dungeons into 2022~

Teena Turner

Gotta say I like subby Gnar and top Teemo a lot more. It's cute like this!


Hahaha, thank you <3 I actually try to avoid putting Gnar and Teemo on the polls too frecuently because they always get choosen xD I wanna try to avoid viewer's exhaustion~


LOL I haven't finished the game but I can kinda see what you mean, my Laharl was weirdly outmatched by a rando sword woman I made, with her being like +100 levels under him and with around the same equipment! It's kinda sad but I have learned to accept it |3c Also while I understand that a lot of people play this game "optimally", I think I'm gonna stick to having more varied classes myself (I like me a thief and a strider for one!). I heard of this one class that does everything and kinda want to avoid having everybody looking the same xD ....also I might stick to doing those dungeons into 2022, it's really addictive and I don't mind for the most part x3


Hehehe, Gnar makes for an adooorable bottom indeed Honestly I was trying not to make it too often like evrybody else, but I think I ended up doing it almost never xD #extremesarebad


No moar! =P In all seriousness though, I think if people are voting for it they're not tired of it =3


Yes, you're thinking of the Majins. In the end game it's all about making an army of them because they have perfect stats across the board for everything... I think they might address this better in later iterations of Disgaea, but I fell out of that kind of game at that point. Enjoy! That game has a lot of fun endings and interactions!


I'm certeanly excited to play future games in the franchise from seeing how silly this one is. I heard 2 has a lot of cuties~, like the redesign of the elemental male mages |3c <3 I'll be waiting quite a while before I pick next game tho I don't want to tire myself of it, but for sure I want to be familiarized with Disgaea for when....the 6th(?) game comes out?, they touted it'll have a level cap of I think 99999999, not sure, lol While I'm sure that's ridiculous for the sake of ridiculous and the numbers at some point mean less and less when this inflated, I'm still excited to see how it's gonna feel to be on that number journey <3


That's true, gotta give people what they want to see |3c I kinda have a feeling next comic will be a yordle one~


Gnar's five-some with Teemo, Kennen, Fizz and Kog'Maw? =P


It's a cool setting for an RPG for sure~ I hear there's also a mobile game out too if you're into that~ I played the other NIS games like Phantom Brave and Makai Kingdom, but neither of them really held my interest as much as Disgaea did.


I played Makai Kingdom first and man I loved the opening act for that one! I do think the gameplay is a little worst than Disgaea 1, tho I can't remember too well how it was tbh o3o Also naaaah Mobile games can go burn in hell >:v *Shot?*


Haaaa.... Yeah.... Genshin is my pick of poison for that genre, but I do enjoy it a lot. I also preferred Disgaea the most